

Vegan cheese plant by Goma

We are in an era where; with the help of technology, we can manufacture products that were impossible to produce half a century ago. Non- Dairy Cheese is a vegan product can be produced from plant extracted milk.  

Vegan Milk are made out of edible plant-based extractions like nuts, almond, coconut, millets soy etc. These liquids are churned to make by products like Cheese, ice cream sauces etc. In the vegan cheese plant, cheese is processed using various plant-based ingredients to form similar textures, flavors, and meltability to traditional dairy cheese. 

Process Overview 

Here's a general overview of the process: 

1. Extraction of Milk 

2. Processing of the Vegan Milk 

3. Coagulation 

4. Moulding 

5. Shaping & Packaging  

6. Storing & Aging 

The demand for vegan cheese has grown significantly in recent years due to several factors, including: 

  • The rise of veganism and plant-based diets for ethical, environmental, and health reasons. 
  • Lactose intolerance which affects a significant portion of the population. 
  • People looking for dairy-free cheese options due to milk allergies. 

To meet to the growing demand of the Vegan conscious consumers, many flavours & processes are experimented. Goma, with 40+ years of experience, expertly delivers projects with care that delivers results. 

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